Robbie Pearson before and after Big Shave Off
Robbie Pearson before and after the big shave

What inspired you to support our work?


When I was diagnosed seven years ago, Terrence Higgins Trust was a very big help to me in coming to terms with my diagnosis and I felt that I wanted to give back by way of fundraising.

Since my diagnosis seven years ago, I have had an outcry of support given the information I’ve been able to gain from Terrence Higgins Trust. Without them, I don’t know where I would be now, it doesn’t even bear thinking about. I’m very grateful to everyone there, for all the help and support I received over the years and most recently Martin in the Community Fundraising Team.

What does Pride month mean to you?


Pride month to me is a celebration of everything that we have achieved in the last 50 years since the first Pride. I am proud to be part of the LGBTQIA+ community and also an active Volunteer Fundraising Ambassador for Terrence Higgins Trust.

Pride month should remind us of how far we’ve come, what we have, but what we still have to achieve.

Why did you choose to take part in the Big Shave Off?


Honestly, I literally did not know what else to do to raise money for the charity that year because of COVID-19 and during lockdown, so I figured 'let’s do it!'.

Why is it important for people to take part in the Big Shave Off this Pride?


People should take on the challenge of the Big Shave Off this Pride because it’s a bold statement!

It can make people sit up and think 'why are they shaving their heads?' and maybe they will go on to educate themselves more about HIV and Terrence Higgins Trust.

Do you have any advice for people fundraising?


Once you have an idea, make sure you constantly roll with it until the date of the event that you’ve set. Social media is a great free advertising tool and you should use this to your advantage.

Is there anything else that you would like to share with us?


For the charity this year, I have designed and created a T-shirt, which is for sale with 40% of the profits going to Terrence Higgins Trust. I really hope people will buy them so I can raise as much as possible for the organisation.

Thank you Robbie!


We’d like to say a huge thank you to Robbie for all the brilliant fundraising and support he gives as one of our Volunteer Fundraising Ambassadors!

If you’ve been inspired by Robbie and want to take part, sign up today to take on the Big Shave Off on Thursday 1 July!

If you would like to fundraise to support our work or have any questions for the team, send us an email to

Join us for the Big Shave Off!