
How did you first hear about Terrence Higgins Trust?


I remember when I was younger sometime in the ’90s, I was out about in Manchester and was flicking through a magazine at a bus stop. I remember seeing a poster with a man on it and some information about HIV. It was my first sort of glimpse into something I had heard about but knew nothing about.

I did my own research about Terrence Higgins from that point. It interested me that there was a charity that helped people and that this was real – the TV adverts, the stuff on the news…It was affecting real people and now there was somewhere for those people to go.

Why have you chosen to support Terrence Higgins Trust?


The real reason? I have friends who are living with HIV – many friends who have battled, been ashamed, never told their closest friends or mums and dads, have had to have difficult conversations with partners, had to hide medication through fear of exposure.

Being true and open and honest is something I could never take for granted. Terrence Higgins Trust gives people a warm embrace to be supported so they can be true, open and get the support they need to flourish with HIV.

Why do you think it's important to support Terrence Higgins Trust?


To show gratitude for all the wonderful things Terrence Higgins Trust does for the humans it works with. To ensure that something good can come out of a terrible disease and because giving of yourself and your time is the easiest thing in the world and could have such an impact on the lives of others.

Tell us about your fundraising.


Print of Lesbians & Gays Support the Miners imageI was designing some art for my best friend's new apartment. He is Welsh, so decided on something based on the Pride film.

We both decided that it would be good to print out some more and sell them, with all proceeds going to charity. It's Pride month after all and being a gay woman myself, I feel I have to get involved.

The prints were very popular with them being sent as far as Hong Kong. Everyone I know seemed to get involved on social media, liking and sharing and buying them.

This is something I am going to continue to do annually.

Do you have any tips for anyone wanting to talk to people about HIV and Terrence Higgins Trust?


Do it, say it, repeat it and say it again.

Talking openly about HIV can help normalise the subject. It also provides opportunities to correct misconceptions and help others learn more about HIV.

What would you suggest if someone wanted to get involved in supporting people living with HIV?


Give it your everything. We can do so much to help other people with our actions and our words. Show up and be in that arena with them.

Kindness is the greatest gift you can share with someone.

If you would like to find out more about how you can get involved and support people living with HIV, please email