London marathon THT runners with Andrea

This year’s London Marathon has been delayed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But we still want to shine a light on the amazing reasons that our amazing runners choose to run for us as part of the world’s biggest on-day annual fundraising event!

In 2018 and 2019, Andrea ran the London Marathon in memory of her late brother-in-law.

Cambridge graduate Malcolm Gellan, who at 26 became the youngest medical consultant in Britain, passed away in the late 1980s due to complications relating to HIV.

For years following his death, Andrea and her family didn't talk about him or share their memories of his short life - but that will change on Sunday when she takes to the start line in the capital.

Andrea Gellan in running clothes

'The family did not want to talk about it at the time; it was the elephant in the room,' says Andrea.

'It was such a shame as we were very proud of what he achieved but we didn't speak about him. Would it have been the same if he had died of another illness? I don't think so.'

Malcolm worked as a consultant urologist in London, ironically specialising in the treatment of people with HIV. It was while doing this important work, which helped to change the course of the epidemic, that Malcolm was himself diagnosed.

'Sadly he died due to complications from HIV infection in his 30s. Malcolm worked with Terrence Higgins Trust, so that's why I wanted to raise money for this charity.

'I think Malcolm would have been very pleased to know that HIV is no longer a death sentence, and that people living with HIV can live a happy, healthy life with the correct treatment.

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This is lovely way to remember Malcolm.

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Andrea Gellan

'Terrence Higgins Trust is fighting the stigma and discrimination that still exists around people with HIV. My daughter, who as a junior doctor is following in her uncle's footsteps, thinks the charity is a great cause and a lovely way to remember Malcolm.'

We love hearing our runners’ stories – many who are themselves living with HIV. Thank you to this year’s runners who are continuing to train and fundraise ahead of the rescheduled event in October.

If you’re feeling inspired and want to keep active, have a look at some of our amazing lockdown options – including our 2020 Challenge and Workout Wednesdays.

This is a lonely, isolating time and that’s why we’re offering free online counselling for anyone living with HIV as well as a range of other online support services. If you can, please donate and ensure we’re there for everyone who needs us.