Emma running London Marathon 2022 with Terrence Higgins Trust banner on back
Emma Rutland

We still have places available in our London Marathon 2023 team! Sign up to Team Terry before the deadline on Tuesday 7 March and we’ll support you every step of the way to hit the £2,000 minimum sponsorship target we ask of our runners.

The majority of fundraising takes place in these last couple months, so you’re not too late to make a huge difference to the lives of those impacted by HIV and poor sexual health! It'll be an amazing and truly worthwhile experience.



But don’t just take our word for it. We spoke to Emma Rutland – NHS consultant, sexual health specialist and Terrence Higgins Trust supporter – who ran the London Marathon 2022 for us last year in fabulous style.

How did you first get involved with Terrence Higgins Trust?

"I have had the privilege to work collaboratively with Terrence Higgins Trust in my role as an NHS Consultant in Sexual Health and HIV. I have witnessed first-hand the positive impact of their work with our service users, in addition to their extraordinary work on education, raising awareness and challenging HIV-related stigma."

What motivated you to run the London Marathon for Terrence Higgins Trust?

"My 'call to action' came after Terrence Higgins Trust services in West Sussex were decommissioned, without due consultation and consideration of the impact of this on individuals and partner organisations. I want to raise awareness of the valuable work that Terrence Higgins Trust undertakes, and raise funds to support them to continue their endeavours."

Have you run a marathon before?

"I have never run a 5K race, never mind a marathon; however, in a peri-menopausal, mid-life-crisis moment of madness, I decided that a significant challenge was needed to make this worthwhile – hence I have signed up for the big one!"

What would you say to someone considering taking on a physical challenge in support of Terrence Higgins Trust?

"Terrence Higgins Trust is such a worthy cause to fundraise for and the support from the team was amazing as was the camaraderie with other Terrence Higgins Trust runners. The atmosphere and sheer number of people cheering you on throughout the route makes London a great choice for anyone wanting a personal marathon challenge.

"I also found that fundraising gave me the opportunity to increase sexual health and HIV awareness and challenge stigma with people I wouldn't normally reach. Go for it!"

Thank you so much Emma for being our champion! Will you join her in changing the lives of those living with HIV for the better?