Tomas in training gear on bridge, giving thumbs up
Tomas training in Tobermory

The London Landmarks Half Marathon takes place in April. We spoke to Tomas, who is running in the event, about his fundraising and what you can do to help.

Tomas says: ‛I started to realise how important the work of Terrence Higgins Trust was when a friend told me that he was living with HIV.

‛He had a healthy and full life and had been on effective treatment for years, but he still worried about people at work finding out about his status. He didn’t want it to change people’s perceptions of him – whether they’d stop using a coffee cup if he touched it or start treating him as though he was ill.

‛So many people still have such poor knowledge about HIV. Lots of people think it can be passed on through touch or kissing (which it can’t), and even more don’t know that people living with HIV on effective treatment can now expect to live just as long as anyone else and can’t pass on the virus to sexual partners.

‛It’s incredible how far we’ve come, but there’s still a lot to do to end new transmissions and stigma. That’s why I wanted to take on my first half-marathon to help raise money for Terrence Higgins Trust.

‛I started training in January and it has meant I’ve gone for runs in some beautiful places I definitely wouldn’t have otherwise, including up to a waterfall in Tobermory when I was on holiday in February.

‛I’ve got just under one week left before London Landmarks. Instagram stories has definitely been my main way of fundraising – it’s amazing the people who are kind enough to donate.

‛I really want to get to £500. That would enough to pay for Terrence Higgins Trust’s incredible team of Positive Voices speakers, all of whom are living with HIV, to go into a school in a disadvantaged area to help educate children about the reality of living with HIV in 2024, making sure negative attitudes don’t get passed on to the next generation.

‛Please do help support to help Terrence Higgins Trust’s work, and come and cheer along all the runners on Sunday 7 April!’

Want to join our London Landmarks Half Marathon cheering station and cheer Tomas on to the finish line? Email us at for all the details.

Support Tomas’s fundraising at JustGiving