Planning your Ribbon Walk is easy! Here is our quick and simple guide:
1. Choose what type of walk you want to do.
2. Pick a date: Choose a weekend to make sure as many people as possible can attend.
3. Plan your route: Pick your start point and start time and use a free walking app such as Map My Walk to create your route. The app will work out the distance for you. Simple!
4. Invite your walking buddy (or buddies).
5. Start fundraising for your walk.
6. Start walking! Make sure you give yourself enough planning and organising time to make the event a success. Here's what to consider on the day of the walk.
More things to consider
Get a licence for collecting on the day
You’ll need a license from your local council to collect funds in the street or any public place. Most councils have details of how to apply for a license on their website. After applying it can take up to two months before your receive your license, so plan ahead! Don’t forget, the easiest way to raise money is to set up a JustGiving page.
Check the local parking
Ensure there is enough parking nearby if walkers are arriving by car. If it’s a pay and display or a car parking meter, try to negotiate with the car parking official/provider a flat fee for participants for the day. You may need to ask for permits to display in car windows.
Design your walk to be inclusive
Long distances may be unsuitable for families with young children or (some) people with mobility disabilities. To be inclusive, offer a shorter route option. In order to welcome people in wheelchairs or with pushchairs, make sure your route avoids:
- Terrain that is too rough, steep or cobbled.
- Stiles and kissing gates.
- Narrow paths, bridges or gateways.
- Overgrown or muddy paths.
Organise refreshments
If you have chosen a route with a pub or café nearby you could ask the owner if for a nominal fee they will provide a hot or cold drink before the start. If not, you could provide your own refreshments.
Avoid roads
For safety's sake, you should try to design a walk that avoids lots of road crossings.
Organise a post-walk event
Celebrate your achievement afterwards in a local pub or restaurant!
Dealing with event cancellation
Ensure you have all your walkers contact details on the off chance you need to postpone or cancel.
Concerned about getting active?
Getting active can be a daunting prospect. Going out for a walk a few times a week is a great way to start. Always consult your GP first before taking on any new exercise. This can be a simple telephone call to GP.
Your walk, your way
Although we’re here to help, we're not responsible for your event and cannot accept any liability. This information is intended as a guide only and Terrence Higgins Trust cannot accept liability for any loss, damage or injury suffered by you or anyone else as a result of organising or taking part in your walk.
Share your walk
Start by letting us know you're planning a walk using the form at the bottom of our Ribbon Walk page, and we'll send you some fundraising materials to help your efforts. Then you can:
1. Join us on social media on Twitter and Instagram.
2. Share your story:
- Share your progress on social media using #RibbonWalk
- Highlight fundraising milestones, especially when you’re close to hitting your target.
- Recognise and thank your donors – tag them in social media posts.
3. Send press releases and adverts to local newspapers, radio and websites to let them know you’re walking to raise money for Terrence Higgins Trust.
When you are writing about your walk, please say it is being held ‘in support of Terrence Higgins Trust.’
Please also include our charity number using these words: 'Terrence Higgins Trust is a registered charity in England and Wales (reg. no. 288527) Company reg. no. 1778149 and a registered charity in Scotland (reg. no. SC039986).'
Please contact us if you wish to use our logo on your own materials. Our logo must be used within the guidance provided and all printed and digital materials featuring the logo must be approved by us before publishing.
Contact us on fundraising@tht.org.uk.
Next steps
Now you've planned and shared all about it, here's how to fundraise for your Ribbon Walk.