
1. Disclaimer: I agree that I am taking part in this event ("Event") at my own risk and that Terrence Higgins Trust shall not be held liable for any accident, injury, loss or damage incurred as a result of my participation in the Event, unless such accident, injury, loss or damage is caused by the negligence of Terrence Higgins Trust. 
2. Health: I agree that I am responsible for my health and for deciding whether I am physically able to take part in the Event. If I am unsure about whether I am physically able to participate then I will obtain medical advice prior to the Event. I agree that if I need to drop out of the Event I will let Terrence Higgins Trust know as soon as possible. 
3. Age: I hereby confirm that I am 18 years of age or older.  
4. Entry: I agree to pay the registration fee for the Event, which, subject to completing the registration process and subject to clause 5 below, will secure my place in the Terrence Higgins Trust team and which is non-refundable or transferable. On payment of the registration fee, Terrence Higgins Trust will advise me about the registration process for the Event. I agree that I must complete the registration process with the event organisers in order to secure my place. I also agree that I must comply with all conditions of the Event as set out by the Event organiser. If the Event is cancelled or postponed, I understand that Terrence Higgins Trust will do everything they can to transfer my place to the following year. However I acknowledge that this may not always be possible, and a that a place is not guaranteed.
5. Sponsorship: I agree that acceptance of my place in the Terrence Higgins Trust team confirms my commitment to raise as much money as possible over the minimum pledge target for Terrence Higgins Trust by my participation in the Event. I further agree that I will start fundraising for the Terrence Higgins Trust not less than two months before the Event date and that if I fail to do so the Terrence Higgins Trust may cancel my participation in the Event. I understand that the pledge target does not include gift aid and I agree to encourage my sponsors to Gift Aid their sponsorship (which will incur no extra cost to them). I agree that I will not bring Terrence Higgins Trust’s name into disrepute and that I will fundraise responsibly and legally. If I have to pull out of the Event for any reason (including injury) I agree that I will submit all sponsorship raised by then to Terrence Higgins Trust, subject to informing my donors that I am no longer participating in the Event and that they may, if they wish, have their sponsorship money returned to them. 
6. Payments to Terrence Higgins Trust: All funds raised via my online sponsorship page will be transferred to Terrence Higgins Trust automatically. I will pay any offline sponsorship via cheque made payable to ‘Terrence Higgins Trust’, or bank transfer or by using a paying-in slip, available from Terrence Higgins Trust, at my local NatWest. I will forward all outstanding donations to Terrence Higgins Trust no later than four weeks after the date of the Event. If I require any further information about transferring my offline sponsorship I will email the fundraising team at
7. I agree that I will comply with any instructions or guidance provided by Terrence Higgins Trust relating to my fundraising activities in connection with the Event and to my participation in the Event, but I acknowledge that I remain responsible for organising and carrying out my fundraising activities in connection with the Event and my participation in the Event. 
8. I acknowledge and accept that Terrence Higgins Trust’s insurance policies do not cover my participation in the Event. 
9. I will comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to the Event.
10. I will not do anything that may damage Terrence Higgins Trust's reputation or name. I agree that, in the event that Terrence Higgins Trust reasonably believes that my participation in the Event may damage Terrence Higgins Trust’s name or reputation, I will withdraw from the Event immediately at the request THT.