This panel reflects Terry’s identity as a proud gay man. It looks back to London Pride in 1980 and for this reason the original Pride flag is used. Clive Bruder produced this panel according to Martyn Butler OBE’s design.
The panel represents an incident with Terry and the police – Terry was on a float in the parade and saw the police harassing his friends. Terry jumped off the float and confronted the police, saying 'How dare you bitches attack my friends'.
The ‘heart’ section of this panel has been made of leather by Richard Wilbraham to represent Terry’s involvement in the gay men’s leather scene.
The Gemini angel (top left) is matched with its twin from the adjacent panel and was embroidered by David Morrish.
- Designed by: Richard Angell, Martyn Butler OBE
- Produced by: Clive Bruder, David Morrish
- Leatherwork by: Richard Wilbraham Costume