
Download posters
Download leaflets
Can't Pass It On PowerPoint slides for reception area screens
If your patients would like HIV support, advice or information outside of their appointment times they can call our helpline THT Direct on 0808 802 1221.
They can also find local HIV clinics and services with NAM's aidsmap.
Links to further patient information
- Stories of what it is like to live with HIV today – with links to our online and local services.
- Patient information on Can't Pass It On.
- NAM aidsmap patient information on U=U.
- Prevention Access Campaign resources – includes a range of resources and downloadable materials from organisations around the world.
- i-base U=U patient resources – includes U=U fact sheet in 10 different languages
- Tool for people living with HIV to support open and informed conversations about HIV with different people in their lives.
- Myths about HIV – video of Gareth Thomas in conversation with Professor Chloe Orkin.