Milton Keynes

624 South Fifth Street

Milton Keynes


United Kingdom


Our staff are primarily working remotely and in the community via our satellite drop-in clinics. Please contact us by email at as we're currently unable to take phone calls.

You can still call the main iCaSH clinic line on 0300 300 3030 to book an appointment if you live in the Milton Keynes area.

We offer a range of services available to anyone who lives in the Milton Keynes area. We provide outreach in the community for vulnerable young people and adults, and training for practitioners.

Our services are available by appointment and outreach. They're delivered in partnership with iCaSH Milton Keynes (provided by Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust)

Free and confidential drop-in clinics


Our team provides the following services at our clinics:

  • Free sexually transmitted infections (STIs) testing for patients without symptoms
  • Rapid HIV testing
  • Free condoms
  • C-Card (condom scheme) for under 25s
  • Sexual health information and advice
  • Signposting to relevant support services in Milton Keynes

Clinic dates and locations

Moorlands Family Centre (for patients aged 16 and above)
Takes place every second Tuesday of the month, 1pm to 2.30pm.

Spotlight, Bletchley (for patients aged 16 and above)
Takes place every first Thursday of the month, 3pm to 5pm, except Bank Holidays.

Young Person’s clinic at No. 624 iCaSH Clinic (for patients aged 16 to 24 years old)
Takes place every Tuesday, 4.30pm to 7pm.

HIV and STI testing


We provide free testing for HIV and STIs. You can access this service using one of the following methods:

If you're aged 16 to 24, you can also order a free chlamydia test from us online.

Sexual health education


We provide outreach education for young people between the ages of 13 and 24 years old.

Our offer includes:

  • 1:1 early intervention for young people who require education and support around sexual health and relationships.
  • Small group work that can look at sexual health, contraception, sex, law and consent, online safety, sexting/pornography, LGBT+ sexuality and healthy relationships.
  • Sexual health community outreach sessions that can include an introduction to local sexual health services and C-Card scheme information and offer, alongside chlamydia screening.

Refer a young person



We offer training for all practitioners working with young people within Milton Keynes. Training is free of charge to individuals, professionals and groups.

See our current training catalogue on Linktree

Free condoms


We coordinate the Milton Keynes C-Card (condom) scheme, offering free condoms and lube for 13 to 24 year olds.

We also offer free condoms by post for vulnerable groups who live in Milton Keynes.

We also provide free condoms for vulnerable groups through community outreach activities.