
1a Oak Street



United Kingdom


We offer a range of services for anyone who lives in Norfolk, including outreach in the community for vulnerable young people and adults, and training for practitioners.

Our services are delivered in partnership with iCaSH Norfolk (provided by Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust).

Order a free HIV self test kit


We are offering free HIV self test kits to people within Norfolk from groups most affected by HIV.

If you aren't eligible for a test from this service, you can search for other free online HIV testing options.

Testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)


We coordinate the National Chlamydia Screening Programme (NCSP) in Norfolk.

The NCSP is changing to focus on reducing the reproductive harm of untreated infection in sexually active under 25 year olds.

NCSP tests are being routinely offered to women, other people with a womb or ovaries including transgender men, non-binary people assigned female at birth and intersex people with a womb or ovaries.

You can find out where to access a free postal testing kit via Young And Free.

Our tests cover chlamydia and gonorrhoea. Your results will be available within eight working days.

We also offer STI tests through outreach.

Sexual health information and advice


We offer a range of information and advice, including safer sex, STIs and signposting to relevant services.



We provide free training for practitioners promoting sexual health in Norfolk.

  • Sexual health promotion: young people, gay men/MSM and people with learning disabilities.
  • Topics: STIs, C-Card, HIV, consent and confidentiality, PrEP, and relationships and sex education (RSE).

You can view a list of our online and face-to-face training courses and book places on our Eventbrite page.



We coordinate the Norfolk C-Card (condom) scheme, offering free condoms and lube for young people aged 13 to 24.

We provide free condoms for vulnerable groups through outreach in the community. 

We also offer free condoms by post for people who live in Norfolk.

Further information


For support for people living with HIV, please contact THT Direct or visit Terrence Higgins Trust's living well services.