Our Brighton and Hove clinics are open to anyone who needs them.
We provide HIV/STI testing, PrEP, advice and support.
We especially welcome people from communities most at risk of HIV and sexual health inequalities, including people of Black African and Black Caribbean ethnicity, gay and bisexual men, other men who have sex with men, trans and non-binary people, and anyone selling sex.
Our service is confidential. Call 01273 764 200, book online or email brighton.clinic@tht.org.uk to make an appointment.
What and how we test
Our HIV and syphilis tests are performed using a fingerprick test. This involves taking a quick and easy sample of blood from your finger. You will get your test result while you wait.
Please note these tests have a window period, which is the period of time between an infection occurring and a test being able to detect it. Our tests have a window period of up to 12 weeks. Because of this we recommend regular testing, either between partners or every three months.
If you are worried about recent possible exposure to HIV, which occurred less than 72 hours ago, contact SHAC.
You can also learn more about PEP, a treatment that can stop an HIV infection after the virus has entered a person’s body.
Chlamydia and gonorrhoea are screened for by taking a sample, which depending on what body parts you have could be a urine sample, swabs taken from your throat, anus and/or vagina/front hole. You will take your own swabs in privacy. These are sent to a laboratory and can take two weeks to get your results.
It can take up to two weeks for chlamydia and gonorrhoea to be detected on our tests, so if you are worried about recent sex we advise you to wait two weeks before coming in to test. However, if you have symptoms, no matter how soon, go directly to SHAC or call them on 01273 523388.

Our PrEP2U clinic is for people who are not currently using PrEP as part of their HIV prevention needs. You can find out more, discuss with a clinician whether it would be suitable for you and if it is, they can prescribe it to you.
PrEP is a pill taken by HIV negative people to prevent HIV infection. It is suitable for anyone who is at a higher risk of HIV infection.
In this clinic you will be screened for HIV and STIs. If you are to start PrEP you will have bloods taken to monitor your health.
If you have not been vaccinated for Hepatitis B or HBV and you are eligible for them, you may be offered vaccination.
PrEP2U is open Thursday, 4pm to 6.30pm. Call 01273 764 200, book online or email brighton.clinic@tht.org.uk to make an appointment.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Do I have to make an appointment?
We accept walk-ins if staff are available when you arrive. However we can't guarantee this to be the case so we recommend you book an appointment with us.
Call 01273 764 200, book online or email brighton.clinic@tht.org.uk to make an appointment.
What does the testing clinic involve?
Appointments at the clinic usually last around half an hour.
We take a brief medical history and ask about your past sexual health. We’ll ask you about the last time you had sex and sex in last three months, followed by a few general questions around sex and risk of HIV.
During the appointment we test for HIV and asymptomatic sexually transmitted infections (STIs). You will have an opportunity to discuss your sexual health, including questions about prevention of HIV and STIs, negotiating happy healthy sex, and drug and/or alcohol use around sex. Where appropriate we can provide support and referrals to other services.
Who can use the clinic?
The clinic is open to everyone who is 18+. We welcome all genders and sexualities.
The service is free and can be accessed by everyone, including anyone visiting the city from elsewhere in the UK or abroad. You do not need to provide proof of residency.
If you are trans or non-binary you can request an appointment with the Trans Clinic.
What if I test positive for an STI or HIV?
If a test is reactive you will be referred to your nearest NHS sexual health clinic of choice for confirmatory tests, and if diagnosed, to get treatment as soon as possible.
Can you prescribe PrEP?
We're working in partnership with local NHS and are running a PrEP clinic from our premises on Thursday evenings. This is aimed at people who wish to start using PrEP or don’t currently access it through the NHS.
Before it can be prescribed you must first test negative for HIV. You can test at our regular clinic first and then have a follow up PrEP appointment on a Thursday, or you can do it all at the same time on a Thursday.
PrEP is free. We can talk through your options if this interests you.
You can also get PrEP at SHAC.
Do I have to use my legal name?
You don’t have to use your legal name. Please use the name you want us to call you. We do require an up-to-date phone number so that results can be sent to you by text message.
Is this service confidential?
You may be asked for personal information at the clinic (e.g. date of birth, address, gender identity and sexuality). This is recorded on the Terrence Higgins Trust clinical database. All data is stored confidentially and securely and not shared with third parties. This database is not connected to your GP patient record. Only authorised staff have access to the database, which is managed in line with data governance procedures.
If you have a reactive result we'll refer you to NHS sexual health services for treatment.
Is the clinic accessible?
If you have any accessibility requirements, we’re happy to help. Call us on 01273 764 200 or email brighton.clinic@tht.org.uk.