
If you are a student who's passionate about the work that we do, nominate us as your RAG society's charity of the year and help fund our vital services. 

Where your money goes


£1,800 could pay for 5,300 condom packs that our outreach can hand out in the community to help prevent HIV.

£2,500 could fund six peer-led group support sessions for people who are newly diagnosed with HIV.

£3,500 could pay for a year of face-to-face counselling for two newly diagnosed people. The stigma faced by people living with HIV can be suffocating and debilitating – but a counsellor can help them see that they are not alone.

If you reach an incredible £4,000 you could fund our helpline service, THT Direct, for an entire week! THT Direct is a valuable lifeline that helps nearly 20,000 vulnerable people each year by providing emotional support and essential information about HIV and sexual health.

Want to know more?


Feel free to get in touch by emailing

We will also be at RAG conference in August so feel free to pop over to our stall and learn something new.