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Melanie Knight

We're looking for a new person to be appointed to the Terrence Higgins Trust Board.

As a trustee, you’ll play a key role at Terrence Higgins Trust. You’ll help the charity to achieve its aims by creating real, lasting change. You’ll help us make balanced and informed decisions about our way forward, making sure that the needs of those who use our services are put first.

We’re keen to find a trustee with key skills and experience who are currently or have practiced in the field of HIV and sexual and reproductive health.

You’ll have a key role in managing the charity, ensuring we comply with our governance and legal requirements and avoid personal conflicts of interest when making decisions. Trustees are relied on to act responsibly, reasonably and honestly.

A trustee position at Terrence Higgins Trust is a volunteer role. It is unpaid but reasonable expenses can be claimed where appropriate.

These pages outline the process for applying to be a trustee and the requirements and expectations of the role.

Key dates and information

  • The deadline for applications is 11.59pm on Sunday 12 May 2024.
  • Interviews for shortlisted candidates will take place on week commencing 3 June 2024.
  • The successful candidate will then be formally appointed as a trustee by the Board of Trustees on Tuesday 18 June 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact Company Secretary, Mark Brookfield at You can also call the Chief Executive's office on 07900 581 509.

We look forward to receiving your application.

Join our board

Hear why Yomi joined our board

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Abayomi Olusunle at trustee meeting