Purpose of role
We’re looking for trustees who are dedicated to helping the charity make a positive impact on the lives of its service users. You’ll help challenge stigma and discrimination, and be a key part of taking forward our new strategy, with equity, diversity and innovation at its heart.
We’re especially looking for trustees who are of Black African heritage and women who are currently underrepresented on the board and who we believe will provide greater insight and understanding into communities that are underserved.
We are looking for people with lived experience who will be able to bring their insight to help support marginalised communities.
The key skills focus we’re looking for in the new trustees are:
- Finance, accounting and business development expertise.
- Fundraising and income generation with enterprise/commercial expertise
Please don’t be deterred from applying if you don’t have exactly all the skills in each area. All new trustees will receive an induction and support from existing trustees and the senior management team.
Time commitment
It’s expected that an average of 12 days per year will be needed for trustees to carry out their role. This includes attending board and committee meetings, reading all the papers ahead of board and committee meetings, participating in key charity events and strategy discussions, and being a visible face for the charity to both service users and donors.
Trustee responsibilities
- Ensure Terrence Higgins Trust complies with its governing document, charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations.
- Ensure Terrence Higgins Trust pursues its objectives as defined in its governing document.
- Maintain proper financial control and ensure that Terrence Higgins Trust applies its resources exclusively in pursuing its objects.
- To develop strategy, setting overall policy, defining goals and setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets.
Specific responsibilities
- To attend board meetings, and participate in decision making of the board.
- To be a member of committees of the board as agreed.
- To regularly evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of the board.
- To ensure that the organisation’s policies are in line with current legislation and good practice.
- To approve and regularly review the organisation’s budget.
- To ensure that the organisation is financially structured for optimum strength.
- To ensure that all published reports adequately reflect the nature of the organisation and its financial health.
- To comply with the organisation’s conflict of interest policy.
- To appoint independent auditors and approve audited accounts.
- To develop and approve the organisation’s vision and values.
- To promote the reputation of the organisation.
- To provide the strategic leadership necessary for all staff to deliver high quality services at all times.
- To represent the organisation at public events.
- To regularly assess the environment and develop the organisation’s corporate objectives.
- To agree the annual business plan implementing the corporate objectives.
- To review and agree any major changes to the organisation e.g., mergers.
Performance management
- To monitor and assess the organisation’s results in relation to the agreed corporate objectives, budget and business plan.
Risk management
- To maintain a robust overview of the principal risks facing the charity. To exercise scrutiny over the charity’s risk management systems.
Executive performance monitoring and remuneration
- To recruit and support the Chief Executive.
- To monitor performance of the Chief Executive and maintain an overview of Executive & Director Team performance.
- To establish remuneration policy for the Chief Executive and Directors Team.
Other duties
- Use any specific skills, knowledge or experience they have to help the board reach sound decisions.
- Act reasonably and prudently in all matters relating to the charity and always bear the interests of Terrence Higgins Trust in mind.
- As a member of the board, be responsible and liable for the governance and functioning of the charity.